At AMSI, the what-if questions were about trust and commitment…
the answers were always about parents and children and the drive of humanity…
AMSI is a collaboration of academicians and educators who bring together a wealth of experience and international expertise. In our alliance we have learnt to value creativity and the active pursuit of excellence.
We have a passion for our industry and for what we do. We utilize our skills to search for and apply new technologies, approaches, and business solutions, which will contribute to the betterment of the educational industry. We strive to achieve high quality in all our business endeavours. Our systems and procedures are designed to high standards of quality.
The organization’s widely heralded successes in the field of ICT integration into the mainstream educational processes is testament of this fusion.
AMSI’s primary focus remains in the expansion of its existing and successful models of Al Mawakeb and the International School of Arts and Sciences. We are strategically poised to partner with potential investors, who share our passion and vision in taking these models to new shores.
Our Philosophy
What if? In our strife for betterment and our utter humility, the simplicity of the question became the source of our motivation.
What if we could better academic delivery and enhance student perception of standard programs? What if we could improve the integration of ICT applications into the standard classroom? What if we could guide schools to improve their performance with total integrity and commitment to social development and welfare?
What if we never stop asking?
At AMSI, the what-if questions were about trust and commitment… the answers were always about parents and children and the drive of humanity…
As teachers we wanted to share, for ours is the only true vocation and we must stay our course … We invite you to join in the quest to transform people’s lives when it matters the most… the rewards of our endeavour are bound to enrich our lives in return.
Our Mission and Vision✨
We shall work ethically, diligently and with complete integrity to develop and propagate academic solutions to streamline any academic institution’s operation, improve its efficiency, and enhance the quality of its environment therefore transforming lives.
We shall create a consortium of academicians and draw on their synergy and commitment to bring harmonious and prosperous integration of all academic trials and applications under one diverse management team.
We shall anticipate emerging community educational needs with innovative, academically challenging, and flexible programs that take full advantage of technology and advances in occupational fields and in the process bring added value to investors, school owners, public school operators/charters, parents and students.
Our Board of Directors
Mr. Khalifa Juma Al Nabooda
Mr. Hamad Bin Sougat
Maj. Gen. Sharafuddin Al-Sayed
M.H.Sharaf (Ret.)
Mr. Nabil Nasr
Our Dedicated Team
AMSI’s dedicated team is a collaboration of academicians and educators who bring together a wealth of experience and international expertise. Through our alliances with international institutions, we have learnt to value creativity and the active pursuit of driving our students to excellence and distinction.
We have a passion for our industry and what we do. We utilize our skills to search for and apply new technologies, approaches and business solutions which will contribute to the betterment of the educational industry.
Mr. Adonis Nasr
Mr. George Akhras
Ms. Alissar Nasr
Mr. Abdelhamid Nawar